Resting metabolic rate Testing

What does the test measure?

Our VO2 Max device measures:

  • The speed of your metabolism

  • How efficient your body is at burning fat

  • Your daily energy needs (caloric)

How does it work?

Our VO2 Max testing device measures the volume of air you are exchanging, alongside carbon dioxide and oxygen ratios which determines your fat & carbohydrates utilisation.

why does it matter?

Knowing accurately how many calories your body is burning at rest allows you to plan your nutrition with the precision necessary to meet your health and fitness goals.

Unlike RMR calculators you find online, there is no guesswork associated with a VO2 Max RMR test, so it is far more accurate, and we can trust the data.

This could, for example allow you to lose weight, whilst consuming the highest possible amount of calories so you are not feeling deprived, helping you sustain your nutrition plan and reach your goal.

If your goal is weight gain, or energy sustenance for a sport, the data will help you calculate the minimum amount of energy you need to reach your goal.

Over 80% of people miscalculate the amount of calories they consume and calories burnt through exercise. Usually through no fault of their own, devices such as smart watches are estimations of calories burnt.

A metabolic rate test removes this excuse by measuring what your body actually burns.


  • Don’t eat for 5-12 hours before a test.

    Don’t consume any caffeine 4-5 hours before a test.

    Don’t smoke on the day of the test.

    Don’t perform any high intensity exercise 12 hours before the test.

  • Most people who struggle to lose weight believe they have a slow metabolism however, through numerous tests performed this is not usually the case.

    Over 80% of people underestimate/miscalculate the amount of calories they consume and calories burnt through exercise. Usually through no fault of their own, devices such as smart watches are estimations of calories burnt.

    A metabolic rate tests removes this excuse by measuring what your body actually burns, it can be highly motivating and encouraging to then make a change and reach your goals.

  • Increasing your muscle mass will mean your body burns more calories at rest.

  • Once you reduce or increase caloric intake and/or start a new exercise plan, your body responds by making changes to your metabolism.

    This is why we re-test to ensure you can make any necessary changes o your nutrition plan.