Famous for the overall improved feeling of wellness & boost to quality of life…
Named for the late John Myers, M.D., the Myers Cocktail is an infusion of multiple vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium.
Maybe you’ve read about the celebrity trend of receiving a Myers Cocktail Infusion and wondered if it’s right for you? After all, many of them are touting the benefits of the treatment, such as an improved overall feeling of wellness and quality of life. But, as is the case with any medical procedure, it’s important that you equip yourself with as much information as possible before undergoing any kind of treatment.
The Benefits:
Helps to maintain a healthy immune system by preventing inflammation. It also helps with the treatment of asthma, migraines, and high blood pressure.
Increases blood calcium levels, which is essential for bone growth.
Promotes healthy hair and skin, prevents memory loss, and manages stress.
Boosts immunity and increases blood antioxidant levels by up to 30%.
Why IV?
One of the main reasons why we deliver the Myers’ cocktail intravenously is because we can ensure that your body gets the full benefits of this powerful nutrient infusion. When you take a daily multivitamin, absorption rates are very low since the vitamins and minerals are first processed through your gastrointestinal tract. As your digestive system absorbs the micronutrients, only a fraction of the original dose makes its way into your bloodstream.
What’s inside the IV?
1 litre fluids
Pyridoxine 50 mg
Riboflavin 4mg
Thiamine 250mg
Vitamin B12 3000ug
Ascorbic Acid 500mg
Nicotinamide 160mg
Magnesium 500mg
Calcium 400mg
Sodium Chloride 0.9%
Sodium Hydroxide 0.9%